Textile nanotechnology

6B07206 Textile Nanotechnology

Field of education: 6B07 Engineering, manufacturing, and construction industries
Direction of personnel training: 6B072 Industrial and manufacturing branches
Group of educational programs: B070 Textiles: clothes, footwear, and leather products
EP purpose: Training of qualified specialists capable of developing, researching, and implementing nanotechnology in the textile industry.
The formed educational outcomes:

  • Applies knowledge of the basics of economics, entrepreneurship, law, anti-corruption culture, and principles of sustainable development in professional activities.
  • Uses knowledge of natural sciences, engineering, and microscopic and spectroscopic methods to optimize nanotextile production technologies.
  • Applies knowledge of chemical process theory to enhance innovative textile material technologies.
  • Operates technological equipment in the textile industry in compliance with safety standards.
  • Organizes technological processes for producing innovative textile materials.
  • Controls the quality of nanomaterials according to regulatory standards.
  • Participates in designing and reconstructing enterprises producing innovative textile materials.
  • Employs modern research methods, gathers, and interprets information in nanomaterial development.
  • Uses biotechnology to improve textile industry production processes.
  • Applies knowledge of nanochemistry and nanotechnology to create advanced composite textile materials.

Area (sphere) of professional activity:
Processing of raw materials, production of semi-finished and finished textile products, organization of enterprises' effective activities in the market, taking into account consumer requirements, internal capabilities, and industry specifics.

Types of professional activities:

  • Production and technological: Optimization of equipment operation, rational resource use, maintenance of equipment for textile material production.
  • Organizational and managerial: Management of production processes and compliance with technical documentation.
  • Experimental and research: Conducting research using modern planning and computing methods.
  • Design: Development of projects considering economic and technological parameters.

Objects of professional activity:
Plant and animal fibers (cotton, silk, wool, etc.), chemical fibers, textile fabrics, non-woven materials, and their production processes.

License number for the direction of training: AB 0137401, date of issue: February 3, 2010. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 299 dated March 28, 2019.


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